Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Creation Meets Innovation

Meet Kendra Starkey, Student Support Services Teacher at Echo Hill Elementary School.  Each day Kendra works with the students in her classroom on a wide variety of skills and curriculum.  As a part of her daily routine, she has students participate in calendar activities.  

She was looking for a new way to make her white board interactive. Previously she made manipulatives with magnets that students could move around on the board for calendar time.  This was adequate, but students were not as eagerly engaged in the lessons.  Another problem was that the magnets and manipulatives took up all of Mrs. Starkey's whiteboard.  She was not able to utilize it for other lessons.  Mrs. Starkey met with a Technology Integration Coach, Jessica Zimmerman.  Jessica helped locate a MimioTeach bar for Mrs. Starkey to use. 

One week after being given the MimioTeach capture bar, Mrs. Starkey eagerly went to work creating lessons with the software associated with the MimioTeach bar.  Her lessons were instantly brought to life.  

Now the students are fully engaged in the interactive white board lessons that Mrs. Starkey created.  Mrs. Starkey and her class are taking Calendar Activities to a new level.  Students independently maneuver through templates on the MimioTeach and are fostering self-confidence and comprehension through each lesson. Well Done!

1 comment:

  1. Love seeing the student engagement. This is an excellent way to inspire learning.
