Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Technology Motivates Students

Technology Integration Coach, Karla Koenen has spent some time in fourth grade at Wilkins Elementary.  She has been working with teacher, Krystal Austad, brainstorming ways to motivate one of her students to complete work, participate, and find enjoyment at school by utilizing an iPad.

This student had the knowledge and content understanding, but needed some motivation and alternative methods to produce the work.  Krystal contacted Karla to see if there was something she could recommend.  Karla and Krystal spent some time conversing, and brainstorming ideas to help this student complete work, in a “paperless” way.

The Technology Coach created a way for the student to access math, science, and social students via Google Drive.  The student is now completing work in these subjects on the iPad.  By utilizing Google Drive, the student pulls the PDF files into an app called “Explain Everything,” and then can write on the work, record voice, etc. 

When the work is complete, it can be turned into the teacher through Google Drive.  The classroom teacher also found a solution for the student to complete daily writing, and several of the JOURNEYS reading assignments on the iPad. 

The student also takes all of his spelling tests on the iPad using the word app.  The teacher was able to turn off all spelling predictive help so the student couldn’t “cheat.”  The student can then save work in One Drive on the iPad and share it with the classroom teacher through One Drive.

Karla and the classroom teacher have also set reminders to use the restroom and to get drinks) on the iPad.  The student now performs these tasks independently.  Previously an educational associate had to prompt the student to accomplish these tasks.  This collaboration has resulted in the teacher turning the learning over to the student.  It has been powerful.

When I visited Krystal's classroom and met the student, he was quick to tell me how this process has made his task completion and organization more manageable.  The student willingly shared a recent math test and showed me how simple it was to upload to a shared folder with his teacher.  I was impressed with his level of independence, and the pride on his face spoke volumes. 

To accomplish the complete implementation of this learning plan for the student, it took collaboration between Mrs. Austad, Mrs. Koenen, Mr. Zimmerman, the building principal, and the student support services teacher, Rachel Trappe.  Rachel was a key player in writing the grant that helped with funding for the Ipad.  Mrs. Austad also had the support of  the student’s one on one associate and the student’s family so that they could provide support in the completion of homework at home.

When asked to reflect on this collaborative work, Krystal stated, “I am proud of the work that I was able to do with Karla for this student. We met frequently and I had a running list of questions to ask her and things that I wanted to learn more about. Karla was a wealth of knowledge and I was an eager student wanting to learn more and more! I am thankful for these leadership positions!”

Thank you Krystal, for sharing your coaching and collaboration experience with us!  

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome way to motivate a child to learn! That is great show of teamwork to put that together and make it happen! I am proud to be the husband of Krystal as she is a great teacher!!
